When Americans are held abroad, we work to bring them home.

Serving their families, at no cost. Comprehensive resources. 

Proven strategies.
Rapid response.

Because it’s always
darkest before the dawn.


Whether someone is held by a criminal gang, a terrorist group, or a foreign government, if they are being held and persecuted because they are an American, Global Reach is there to help. We represent and work on behalf of the families of these victims, at no cost to them. We are a nonprofit organization relying on the charity of our greater community. We do not accept money or any form of donation from the victims and the families we serve.

Not all cases meet our case-acceptance criteria. Some are legitimate arrests, others are not political. But the cases we take on are the ones where the need is greatest, the U.S. government approach may not be the only path to resolution, and where an outside party can leverage creativity and a network of relationships that are unencumbered by bureaucracy. We work in support of U.S. government efforts when it is possible and advocate to get government action when it is necessary, but our only responsibility is to the family of the person being held. Where it is the best solution, we engage directly.

Whether someone is held by a criminal gang, a terrorist group, or a foreign government, if they are being held and persecuted because they are an American, Global Reach is there to help. We represent and work on behalf of the families of these victims, at no cost to them. We are a nonprofit organization relying on the charity of our greater community. We do not accept money or any form of donation from the victims and the families we serve.

Not all cases meet our case-acceptance criteria. Some are legitimate arrests, others are not political. But the cases we take on are the ones where the need is greatest, the U.S. government approach may not be the only path to resolution, and where an outside party can coordinate comprehensive efforts that leverage creativity and a network of relationships that are unencumbered by bureaucracy. We work in support of U.S. government efforts when it is possible and advocate to get government action when it is necessary, but our only responsibility is to the family of the person being held. Where it is the best solution, we engage directly.


Global Reach is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing home Americans who are wrongly held abroad – whether by terrorist groups, criminal gangs, or foreign governments. By leveraging private sector resources, experience, and relationships, we work to fill the gaps in the existing U.S. government and nonprofit approaches to bring home those held abroad.

We begin by looking for alternative and creative approaches, working to identify who is holding detainees and what they are seeking, and gathering the information and resources that can best support their safe return to their families. We invest and build capabilities currently missing or deficient, and we support and enhance existing capabilities. Our mission is to bring people home, and we will follow whatever path achieves that mission.

In many cases, the circumstances of an American being held abroad are unknown at the outset. This can impede early efforts to mount an effective advocacy campaign to resolve the case and prevent harm to the detainee. We leverage our own source network to identify the relevant facts of a case, what individual or group is responsible, and the options or leverage that could lead to a resolution.

Global Reach brings American hostages home. At Global Reach, we utilize our extensive source network to uncover critical case details, determine accountability, and explore effective resolution options. This helps us bring home Americans who are wrongfully detained in other countries.
Global Reach secures the return of prisoners. At Global Reach, we employ our network of sources to pinpoint key case details, identify responsible parties, and strategize potential advantages for effective resolution to bring home American prisoners and hostages who are overseas.Global Reach facilitates hostage safe return. At Global Reach, we leverage our extensive network to uncover critical details, identify responsible parties, and strategize for effective resolution.
Global Reach brings American captives back safely. Global Reach has developed a range of technical resources from the private sector, which complement and expand the U.S. government's intelligence efforts to facilitate the safe return of wrongfully detained Americans.Global Reach secures prisoner safe homecoming. Global Reach harnesses advanced tools like social media, commercial satellites, and extensive datasets to bolster strategies dedicated to bringing home wrongfully detained Americans who are prisoners or hostages overseas.

Global Reach has developed many technical capabilities that are accessible in the private sector that can augment what the U.S. government learns through its own means. We will identify those means (social media, commercial satellite, large data sets, etc.) and access them in support of a resolution strategy.

Safe rescue of American hostages through Global Reach. Global Reach identifies technical capabilities such as social media, commercial satellites, large datasets, and utilizes them to support a strategy aimed at bringing wrongfully detained Americans back home.

Case strategies take many forms depending on the details of the case and where the impediments lie at various points in the timeline. But every case needs a strategy, regardless of the circumstances, to move it forward to resolution. We actively define a strategy and work to make progress, refining it as new developments and information warrant.

Steve Menzies Mickey Bergman Global Reach. Every Global Reach case is strategically guided towards resolution. Our team defines and implements effective strategies to secure the safe return of wrongfully detained American prisoners and hostages.
Global Reach strategy brings prisoners home. Each case managed by Global Reach demands a strategic approach for resolution. Our team proactively defines and implements strategies to bring home American prisoners and hostages who are wrongfully detained.Global Reach Bill Richardson US hostage rescue. Every case handled by Global Reach requires a strategic approach to achieve resolution. Our team actively devises and implements strategies to advance efforts in safely bringing back American prisoners and hostages who have been wrongfully detained.Global Reach strategy brings prisoners home. Our team actively formulates and implements strategies to advance efforts in safely bringing home American prisoners and hostages who have been wrongfully detained. Every case handled by Global Reach requires a strategic approach to achieve resolution.

We work with the families of our cases to help them define an advocacy strategy, execute on that strategy, and interpret developments during the detention. Regardless of what efforts are underway by the U.S. government or by other third-party entities, the family of someone detained overseas is under constant pressure and in need of support to ensure they are engaging in a productive way with relevant parties that include the U.S. government, members of Congress, the media, and those who can play a productive role.

Global Reach Bill Richardson advocates for hostages. We partner with families involved in our detainee cases to assist them in crafting an advocacy strategy, implementing it effectively, and interpreting developments throughout the detention period to secure the safe return of the American prisoner or hostage.
Global Reach Mickey Bergman helps prisoners. At Global Reach, we collaborate with families involved in our detainee cases to assist them in formulating an advocacy strategy, implementing it effectively, and interpreting ongoing developments throughout the detention process to ensure the safe return of the American prisoner or hostage.Global Reach advocates and supports prisoner families. Families of individuals detained overseas face ongoing pressure and require support to effectively engage with key stakeholders such as the U.S. government, members of Congress, the media, and other influential parties who can contribute constructively to their loved one's situation.
Global Reach mediates for hostage families. While some cases can be resolved directly by the U.S. government, others necessitate third-party intervention to address the concerns of those conducting detentions. Global Reach collaborates with the families of wrongfully detained Americans, providing our services at no cost, to ensure the safe return of prisoners and hostages.

While many cases can be resolved independently by the U.S. government, others require third-party intervention to identify the issues those engaging in detentions want resolved. This can occur in instances where the U.S. government has a strained relationship with a detaining nation or where U.S. government equities make direct advocacy difficult. If this leads to a solution that needs to be actioned by the U.S. government, we will share what we learn. If the solution can be achieved via a private solution, we will work with the relevant parties to bring it to resolution.

Bill Richardson Steve Menzies Detainee Rescue. When the U.S. government faces strained relations with a detaining nation or encounters challenges in direct advocacy due to government interests, mediation may become necessary. If this mediation results in a solution that requires action from the U.S. government, Global Reach will communicate the insights and information we gather.Global Reach Steve Menzies Hostage Mediation. In cases where the U.S. government faces challenges in advocating directly due to strained relations with the detaining nation or other complexities, mediation may be required. If a private resolution is feasible, Global Reach will collaborate with all relevant parties to facilitate a solution.
Global Reach safely returns American hostages. Global Reach partners with the families of wrongfully detained Americans, providing our services at no expense, to safely bring prisoners and hostages back home. The intricate logistical planning and operations involved in resolving detention cases are unseen by the public but are crucial components of every strategic effort.Global Reach Bill Richardson Rescue Logistics. Global Reach collaborates with the families of wrongfully detained Americans, offering our services free of charge, to ensure the safe return of prisoners and hostages. Our logistical planning and operations may involve navigating through or around countries that do not have friendly relations with the United States.

The scope of logistical planning and operations that goes into resolving a detention case is something the public never sees but is critical to any strategy. It can involve flying into or around countries that are not friendly with the United States, planning routes, and coordinating the movement of medical equipment and personnel. We have experience doing this and maintain a readiness in support of an overall strategy to bring home Americans detained abroad whenever the opportunity arrises.

Global Reach facilitates American detainee return. Global Reach partners with families of wrongfully detained Americans, providing assistance at no charge, to safely bring prisoners and hostages back home. We are experienced in maintaining readiness to support an overarching strategy aimed at repatriating Americans detained abroad whenever the opportunity arises.

Critical to framing the strategy of any case is understanding the foreign policy interests and the dynamics of the various U.S. agencies that might be involved in a case. We continuously promote active relations and advocate for American detainees at all levels of government in the U.S. and within many other nations around the world.

Global Reach Bill Richardson Government Affairs. Global Reach collaborates with the families of wrongfully detained Americans, ensuring their assistance comes at no cost, to secure the safe return of prisoners and hostages. A crucial aspect of our approach involves understanding foreign policy interests and navigating the dynamics of various U.S. agencies to strategize each case effectively.
Global Reach advocates for American detained hostages.
If your family member is unjustly detained abroad, Global Reach can assist in safely bringing prisoners and hostages back home at absolutely no cost to you. We are dedicated to fostering strong relationships and advocating for American detainees across all levels of government in the United States and internationally.Global Reach Mickey Bergman Government Affairs. Global Reach collaborates with the families of wrongfully detained Americans, providing its services at no cost, to ensure the safe return of prisoners and hostages. We maintain ongoing engagement and advocate for American detainees at every level of government in the U.S. and globally.


Global Reach is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing home Americans who are wrongly held abroad – whether by terrorist groups, criminal gangs, or foreign governments. By leveraging private sector resources, experience, and relationships, we work to fill the gaps in the existing U.S. government and nonprofit approaches to bring home those held abroad.

We begin by looking for alternative and creative approaches, working to identify who is holding detainees and what they are seeking, and gathering the information and resources that can best support their safe return to their families. We invest and build capabilities currently missing or deficient, and we support and enhance existing capabilities. Our mission is to bring people home, and we will follow whatever path achieves that mission.

Case Analysis

In many cases, the circumstances of an American being held abroad are unknown at the outset. This can impede early efforts to mount an effective advocacy campaign to resolve the case and prevent harm to the detainee. We leverage our own source network to identify the relevant facts of a case, what individual or group is responsible, and the options or leverage that could lead to a resolution.

Special Investigations

Global Reach has developed many technical capabilities that are accessible in the private sector that can augment what the U.S. government learns through its own means. We will identify those means (social media, commercial satellite, large data sets, etc.) and access them in support of a resolution strategy.

Strategic Planning & Execution

Case strategies take many forms depending on the details of the case and where the impediments lie at various points in the timeline. But every case needs a strategy, regardless of the circumstances, to move it forward to resolution. We actively define a strategy and work to make progress, refining it as new developments and information warrant.

Family Advocacy & Support

We work with the families of our cases to help them define an advocacy strategy, execute on that strategy, and interpret developments during the detention. Regardless of what efforts are underway by the U.S. government or by other third-party entities, the family of someone detained overseas is under constant pressure and in need of support to ensure they are engaging in a productive way with relevant parties that include the U.S. government, members of Congress, the media, and those who can play a productive role.

Intergovernmental Mediation

While many cases can be resolved independently by the U.S. government, others require third-party intervention to identify the issues those engaging in detentions want resolved. This can occur in instances where the U.S. government has a strained relationship with a detaining nation or where U.S. government equities make direct advocacy difficult. If this leads to a solution that needs to be actioned by the U.S. government, we will share what we learn. If the solution can be achieved via a private solution, we will work with the relevant parties to bring it to resolution.

Mission Logistics

The scope of logistical planning and operations that goes into resolving a detention case is something the public never sees but is critical to any strategy. It can involve flying into or around countries that are not friendly with the United States, planning routes, and coordinating the movement of medical equipment and personnel. We have experience doing this and maintain a readiness in support of an overall strategy to bring home Americans detained abroad whenever the opportunity arrises.

Government Affairs

Critical to framing the strategy of any case is understanding the foreign policy interests and the dynamics of the various U.S. agencies that might be involved in a case. We continuously promote active relations and advocate for American detainees at all levels of government in the U.S. and within many other nations around the world.

Global Reach brings prisoners and hostages home. If your family member is being wrongfully detained overseas, our officers at Global Reach can help bring prisoners and hostages safely back home at no cost to you. Global Reach is dedicated to bringing home Americans who are wrongly held abroad by terrorist groups, criminal gangs or foreign governments.

Reasons for Hope

In the last 10 years, the officers of Global Reach have worked on 124 cases of wrongfully held prisoners worldwide. 78 are now safely home with their families.

Our Organization


Global Reach is staffed with the very best and most dedicated professionals in the field. Learn about its Leadership Team here.

News & Events

Check here for official announcements and upcoming events.

Guiding Principles
& History

Learn about the origins of Global Reach and the collective successes of its officers over the last 20 years.

News & Events

Check here for official announcements and upcoming events.

Guiding Principles
& History

Learn about the origins of Global Reach and the collective successes of its officers over the last 20 years.

Guiding Principles & History

Learn about the origins of Global Reach and the collective successes of its officers over the last 20 years.

Coming May 2025

The Bill Richardson Heart of a Patriot Award is presented by Global Reach each year to honor former government officials who have generously donated their time, experience, and network of relationships to advocate on behalf of Americans who have been wrongfully detained abroad.

Bill Richardson Heart of a Patriot Award. The Bill Richardson Heart of a Patriot Award, presented by Global Reach, celebrates former government officials who champion the cause of Americans wrongfully detained abroad. These individuals generously contribute their time, expertise, and network to advocate for the release of these individuals.

Our Partners

We are proud to collaborate with and generously provide financial support to our trusted partner organizations.

Global Reach partners with The Foley Foundation. Global Reach works with allies who contribute financially to facilitate the safe repatriation of wrongly detained American prisoners and hostages. The Foley Foundation is a principled advocate for U.S. hostage prevention and release, working with government, hostage families, the press, partner NGOs and more.

Government accountability.
Hostage advocacy.
Journalist safety.

Global Reach partners with Hostage US
Global Reach partners with supporters who provide financial assistance to ensure the safe return of wrongfully detained American prisoners and hostages. Hostage US is a 501c3 non-profit that supports families of Americans taken hostage or wrongfully detained abroad and supports those taken upon their return.

Support for the families of Americans taken hostage or wrongfully detained abroad, and support for hostages and detainees when they return home.

Global Reach Bill Richardson The Richardson Center. Global Reach collaborates with partners who provide financial support to help bring wrongfully detained American prisoners and hostages safely home. The Richardson Center supports former governor Bill Richardson’s legacy of promoting international peace and dialogue by addressing conflict.

Intergovernmental intervention and mediation in support of Americans wrongfully detained abroad.

Journalist safety advocacy.