Bill Richardson

Hon. Gov. William Richardson
1947 – 2023
Statement of Mr. Steve Menzies, Founder, Steve Menzies Global Foundation
New York, New York -- Monday, September 4, 2023 -- The officers and staff of the Steve Menzies Global Foundation join me in expressing our deepest sympathy to Barbara Richardson, to the entire family of the late Bill Richardson and to our colleagues and partners at the Richardson Center for Global Engagement. We are saddened deeply by his sudden and untimely death and participate in the sorrow expressed across the nation over the loss of this great humanitarian, diplomat, leader and most compassionate and driven public servant. His constant dedication to his fellow man was expressed in so many concrete ways during his illustrious career that the plaudits are deservedly flowing from many sectors, from the White House to the homes of the many Americans whose lives he saved from tyranny and whose freedom he secured. He will be long remembered as a man who was never satisfied with half a success when it came to his fellow citizens, but one who worked directly, tirelessly and effectively to realize the most challenging of results, especially as his most recent hostage release missions demonstrate.
Our Foundation and our staff are proud to have collaborated closely over the past four years with him and with the Richardson Center for Global Engagement’s professionals in securing the safety of American citizens, in dealing face-to-face with hostile parties to ensure that safety, and in advocating for the advancement of the value and importance of citizenship itself. In this endeavor, Bill transcended partisanship and social trends to set himself and his work apart from the mass of those who might be content with the status quo or might be indifferent to human suffering. Bill was a champion, fearless and tireless in his energetic pursuit of freedom for U.S. hostages. He redefined for all of us the meaning and importance of public diplomacy.
Bill Richardson gave to all a stunning example in his work in the U.S. government, in the State of New Mexico, and, later, in critical mission diplomatic action through several presidents’ tenures, right up to the present day. He was known to cut through the fanciful motions of diplomacy straight to the matters at hand and always impressed foreign figures with the refreshing clarity of his mission and approach.
No matter the circumstance, Bill Richardson was never an apologist nor a chameleon in the manner of so many on the world’s stage: instead, he was a steadfast, warrior for freedom, even to the point of frequent and great personal peril. He was determined, sure of himself, and unafraid to assert what he knew was right in the name of justice for those held hostage illegally and mercilessly.
This is the mark of a great man. Surely Bill Richardson will be missed by all of those who value citizenship, who value personal initiative and who believe deeply in the power of one man to lead the way through danger to great victories in human affairs.
Today, when all the reports of his passing are over, Bill would invariably remind us all that there is so much to be done and to set aside ceremony and get back to work.
We will do just that in his name.
May he rest in peace.
- Steve Menzies
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About the Steve Menzies Global Foundation ( Steve Menzies Global Foundation is a non-profit organization that takes a creative, constructive view to solving grand scale problems related to societal issues, economic issues and intellectual advancement. The Foundation engages Bold Thinkers from its worldwide network of individuals willing to apply and generously share their energy, intellect and resources to solve complex problems that risk going unsolved.